Chestnuts and ceps caneloni

For the chestnut cream:
✔️100 g of fresh chestnuts Extra Faúndez Gourmet
✔️30 g of milk
For the filling:
An onion
✔️30 g Boletus Edulis dehydrated Gourmet Experience
✔️One tablespoon of wheat flour
✔️70 g of milk
✔️10 g of white wine
✔️One clove of garlic
✔️ Pasta sheets for cannelloni
✔️ Olive oil, salt and pepper.
Preparation mode
👉 First of all we should moisturize the boletus for 45 minutes, in a bowl with hot water.
👉 Next, to prepare the chestnut cream, we must heat them in a bain-marie for 15 minutes, or in the microwave at maximum power. Then remove them, let them cool and peel them carefully. Remember to reserve some for the decoration of the dish.
👉 Place the peeled chestnuts together with the hot milk in a beater and grind them. We booked the cream.
👉 Sauté the onion to taste, chop it in julienne and slowly poach it in a pan with olive oil over medium-low heat. We reserve
👉 In a pan with hot oil, sauté the mushrooms and crushed garlic.
We added the reserved onion, and cooked it together for a couple of minutes. Then add the flour and let it cook for a minute, stirring constantly.
👉Add the chestnut cream, milk and wine, and cook over medium heat until you get a slightly thick mixture, stirring constantly.
👉Coce or hydrate the pasta, according to the manufacturer's instructions.
👉Fill and roll the cannelloni, reserving a couple of tablespoons of the filling.
👉This reserved filling is mixed in a saucepan with 10 g of water or white wine and cooked for 5 minutes over medium heat, then crushed and checked for salt.
EmplaTo place the cannelloni, we will cover them with this sauce and decorate with some mushrooms, and chestnuts.
And ready to serve !!

C/ El Salvador, 5.
49519 Rabanales - Zamora. España
Tel. +34 980 681 866 - /


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